
Welcome from the Executive Principal

I am delighted to welcome you to Fulham Primary's website. I am privileged to be the Executive Principal at Fulham. In my role as Executive Principal, I oversee many of the strategic decisions of the school and lead on ensuring our schools work positively together to bring out the best in everyone. I have been working with United Learning for nearly 10 years. 

Mr. Lynch is our Head of School and very much leads on the day to day running of our school. He is ably supported by our superb teaching and administration team – each day all our adults go above and beyond to give our children the best education possible.

As a United Learning School, we are fortunate to benefit from a wide of resources and experiences our children would not otherwise benefit from. We build character; teach a rigorous curriculum; have the highest standards of behaviour and bring our children beyond the school gates so they can build cultural capital.

The best way to get a sense of Fulham is to visit us! Mr. Lynch would be delighted to meet you and show you around our school so please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Seamus Gibbons

Executive Principal

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