Statutory Assessments
At different points in primary school, children are required to sit statutory assessments, which are outlined below.
Year 1 Phonics Screening
Towards the end of Year 1, children will conduct a simple test with their class teacher to determine if they have met a set threshold in their phonetic knowledge. The children are required to read 40 words to their teacher who will assess how well this is done. Results are communicated with parents soon after this test takes place.
End of Key Stage 1 National Curriculum Tests
Towards the end of Year 2, pupils will sit a Writing, Reading and Mathematics test (commonly referred to as ‘SATs’). These tests are marked by the class teacher and are used to support the class teacher’s existing knowledge of the child’s learning. An attainment level is reported to parents.
End of Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests:
Towards the end of Year 6, pupils will sit an English punctuation, grammar and spelling test, Reading test and Mathematics test (commonly referred to as ‘SATs’). These tests are set and marked externally. An attainment level is reported to parents.
Involving Pupils and Parents:
Pupils are continuously involved in their learning. We encourage pupils to reflect daily about their learning and we also include pupils in self-assessing their own and other’s learning.
We do not share grades with pupils as we do not believe this helps their learning. We do, however, ensure children know what they need to do next to improve to improve their learning. Progress information will be shared with parents at parents’ evenings.
Teachers meet formally with parents three times a year, where assessment information is discussed. Parents also receive a detailed end of year report. However, we always operate an open door policy and parents are more than welcome to have an informal chat with teachers when they see them.